President’s Message September 2024

I am looking forward to the Fall to enjoy our 1930 Model A Fordor.  Fall is a great time to see the state we live in and enjoy the beautiful scenery.  The weather is usually very cooperative, and all of us can have a fun time.  

We have planned a trip on Wednesday, the 18th of September, to the Infant Jesus Shrine in Prague, OK.  After the tour at the Shrine, we will have a great meal at Mamaw’s Café in Prague.  As you know, we are an eating club that drives old cars. Thank you, Joe and Helene Astafan, for arranging this beautiful tour.

Next, we plan to have a picnic on Saturday, 21 September, at Phil Wolfenbarger and Kaye Sage’s house.  They will provide Hot Dogs, and everyone can bring a dish to share.  We have two parades coming up.  The first parade will be finished when you receive this message, but I want to thank David Swain for arranging Mustang’s Western Days parade on Saturday, September 7th.  The next parade, the Czech Parade, is on Saturday, the 5th of October, in Yukon, and thanks to Phil Wolfenbarger for setting this up.

The Fall Tour, planned and arranged by the Tulsa Model A Ford Club, to Van Buren, AR, is set for October 17 – 20, 2024.  They have a fantastic tour planned for everyone.  I know our regular Club meeting is at 2 PM on the 20th of October but we plan to be back in time for that meeting, as we plan to leave Van Buren very early.  We discussed changing the meeting date, but it is difficult finding another date at the Will Rogers Garden Center because of the competition for the meeting rooms.

A warm welcome is extended to all Model A-er’s and friends to join us at our club meetings and/or one of our outings.  The Board is always open to any new ideas or suggestions for future events.  It takes involvement from everyone to make a successful Club.  Thank you to everyone for all you have done for this Club.

Don Mitchell

