President’s Message October 2024

Congratulations to our newly elected Sooner Model A Club Officers and Board Members for 2025. I know that everyone will give them your complete support as you have for me the last three years. They are: President Phil Wolfenbarger, Vice-President Vonnie Meritt, Treasurer Chuck Dusenbery, Secretary Carla Newton, Editor Karen Dusenbery, Web Master Jim Yates, Director David Swain, and Director Joe Astafan.

We had a very interesting tour, arranged by Joe and Helene Astafan, to the Infant Jesus Shrine in Prague, Ok on Wednesday, September 18th. After the tour of the shrine, we had a great lunch at Mamaw’s Restaurant.

The picnic at Phil and Kaye’s house on Saturday, September 28th was attended by 30 people. There was plenty of food and it was great to see all of Phil’s Model A’s and so many of his other cars. Thank you, Phil and Kaye, for opening up your home on a unusually hot September day.

The Sooner Model A Christmas party is Sunday, December 15th at 2 PM at the Will Rogers Garden Center. This is our regular club meeting place and date, but there will be NO meeting. Our only purpose will be enjoying the Christmas Party. We hope everyone can make it. The cost is $10.00 per person and the club will pick up the remaining costs. Reservations must be made and they must be paid for by December 1st to ensure the count for the caterer. Of course, as usual, we will play “Dirty Santa.” The “Gifts” should cost less than $25.00. This is also a good time to pay your $20.00 dues for 2025.

We have 4 tickets for the OKC Polar Express Christmas train to auction off at the October club meeting. These tickets are for Sunday, 10 November 2024 and are donated by Steve Davis.

Don Mitchell

