President’s Message March 2024

Welcome to Spring

We look forward to getting our Model A’s on the road again. It was good to see a number of A’s turn out for the tour of The Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine on Saturday, the 24th of March 2024. There were 25 people there and afterwards we went to Jimmy’s Roundup Café for lunch. The Shrine is another big attraction for our city and we were very impressed with it.

Thank you, Phil Wolfenbarger, for the very informative talk about the electrical systems of our Model A’s at the February club meeting. Also, thank you to Phil and Kaye for hosting our Spring Tune Up Day at 9:00 AM at their house on Saturday, 23 March 2024. Afterwards we will go to Swadley’s for lunch at 11:30.

We have three parades planned so far for the Spring. First is the St. Patrick’s parade at the OKC Stockyards on Saturday, 16th March followed by lunch at Bunny’s Onion Burgers on S. Meridian Ave. The second parade is the 89er parade in Guthrie on April 20th. The third parade is the Armed Forces parade in Del City on May 4th. I hope everyone can participate in at least one or more of the parades. Being in parades is a fun way to show our cars.

The Spring tour, which we are hosting, is scheduled for 25 to 28 April 2024 in Lawton, OK. We plan to see museums in Fort Sill, Geronimo’s grave, Museum of the Great Plains, and the museums in Frederick and the Holy City of the Wichitas. Call the Hampton Inn at 2610 NW Cache Rd, Lawton, OK, (580)-355-8200 by April 11th for reservations at our special rate.

Thank you, everyone, for paying your $20.00 annual dues. We appreciate your helping us keep the Club’s roster up to date and your dues pays for some of our expenses, such as the rental of our meeting space at the Will Rogers Garden Center. All club members donate time and money for the enjoyment of seeing the Model A’s. Nothing happens unless everyone participates. We are always open to new ideas or events.

Don Mitchell, President
