President Message for May 2023


We had a very interesting Movie Night at our April meeting; thanks to Phil Wolfenbarger and Ken Corder for setting up and showing the movie about the Abernathy Boys and their adventures in Oklahoma. Joe and Helene provided the popcorn which set the mood for a fun movie. We are open to any other suggestions for future events.

Thank you Jim Yates for arranging the Guthrie 89er Parade and the lunch at Mr. Lu’s. It was a slow-starting parade but a lot of people were there. Phil Wolfenbarger and Jim Yates were again selected to carry dignitaries at the beginning of the parade. We common folks were further back at #48. But it was a lot of fun for all and a great parade.

By the time you receive this newsletter, we should have completed the Spring Tour to Coffeyville, KS with the Tulsa Model A Ford Club. They always put on a great tour and we always look forward to it. We are planning to have a get together and picnic at Ripper Park on 30th Street in Bethany, at 12:30 PM on Saturday the 20th of May. We will provide the hot dogs and everyone can bring a side dish or dessert.

In June, we are planning to go to Robbers Cave State Park for the Antique Tractor and Car Show on Saturday, the 24th of June. Also, there is the Midwest Regional Meet on June 11 to 16 at Breckenridge, CO.

In July, there will be two July 4th parades again this year. You will be able to participate in both this year because the Bethany Parade will be on Saturday, the 1st of July and the Edmond Parade will be on Tuesday the 4th of July. Since the 4th of July is a holiday we will move the Board meeting to the 2nd Tuesday of July, the 11th.

Our annual Club Christmas party will be at 2 PM on Sunday, the 10th of December at the Will Rogers Garden Center, so mark your calendar for a good time for all to start your holiday celebrations. As al-ways a great club has active participation of all of its members. We want to include everyone and hope to see many of you at the various activities.

Don Mitchell, President
